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Daily Archives: August 11th, 2008

Our silence is not do to lack of progress or anything to report. It seems as my every waking moment is being spent doing something to prepare for the trip.

A brief list of stuff done or being done…

New wiring harness for tow dolly (done)
New tires on tow dolly (done)
New seats (Toyota take outs) in camper cab (Passenger done, driver in progress.)
Fire Extinguishers and flashlights in mounted brackets (one flashlight to do)
Figuring out how bikes, chairs and big cooler will be hauled. (in progress)
Cleaning camper cabin. (in progress)
Organizing of “stuff” in all the compartments. What to bring, what to leave? (in progress)
Provisioning (in progress)
Programming the inverter/battery charger (to do)

Service visit for Land-Rover (done — no surprises!)
Cages over the new LED lights on the Land-Rover (to do)
Route planning and itinerary. Stops along the way? (in progress)

The rig also had a service visit. Big surprise (as in ouch) was that we needed a new turbo charger. Beyond that it was just fluids and a brake adjustment. The folks at Boston Freightliner assure us that we’re ready for the road.

After picking up the rig on Saturday we hit Costco and Target for provisions and some hard goods we wanted for the camper.

Written like that, it doesn’t look like much–but this is pretty much dominating my life–and Michelle’s “off” hours.

We did take a break to attend the REI Outdoor School Introduction to Mountain Biking course yesterday. It was a lot of fun and both Michelle and I learned a lot and feel better prepared for Moab. Unfortunately, we arrived back at home exhausted and we were both sound asleep by 7 PM and as a result nothing got checked off of our list last night.

Photos and better documentation (and the promised back story) soon (we hope) but I need to get that drivers seat installed! We may end up telling a lot of the story as we travel. Hope you don’t mind.

Okay Jeff, computer off and get to work!